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Around Thornhill

3rd. Juv female Goshawk, 16 Buzzards and 7 Red Kites + many woodland birds. John Miles. 


What looked like 2 Great White Egrets together on the northern end of the merse, viewed from A75 when passing at 8.30am this morning. Plenty of Little Egret around too. Gavin Chambers. 

Snow Goose

White-morph photographed at Bankend I believe. 

Wigtown Hide

A visit today on a descending tide was quiet but highlight a GWE on marsh north of the hide & a 2nd winter Med Gull leaving the high tide roost heading inland. Ivan Lang

Spotted Redshank

1 reported on mud bank, ebbing tide at Piltanton Burn. 

WWT Caerlaverock

2 Great White Egrets seen from Saltcot tower. One out towards Ruthwell the other out towards Criffel. Large flocks of Barnacles present and 3 Whooper Swans counted. Robbie Purdie. 

Green Sandpiper

6 on the river Annan this morning. 4 at Luce House with a further 2 near the mouth of Mein Water. Also remaining here are 2 Common Sandpiper, 1 at Mein Water and 1 near Hoddom Bridge. Bill Jamieson. 

Wigtown LNR

A male Hen Harrier & cream-capped Marsh Harrier from the hide over the marsh this afternoon. Ivan Lang. 

Corsewall Point

A bright start to the day with a fair bit moving around with a steady stream of auks and Gannets. Highlights were a Storm Petrel, Med Gull, few Red-throated Diver & 2 Slavonian Grebe. However, after about 09.30 everything stopped, apart from gannets with a trickle of other things. A single Black-throated Diver & a large Diver that appeared to have a white bill but failed to get it in the scope. Ivan Lang. 

The Crook

This evening whilst doing gull count the first Whoopers of the winter along with the first Twite. 800 Pinks in to roost. Earlier in the day a cream capped Marsh Harrier cruising the Marsh. A distant Great White Egret out on the mudflats. Ivan Lang. 

Willow Tit

Willow Tit at Castle Wood, Caerlaverock NNR. Paul Massey.

Hen Harrier

Four (yes 4) Great White Egrets between Castle Corner & the 'new' hide, Caerlaverock NNR + adult female Hen Harrier. Paul Massey. 


Dotterel south over Browhouses, calling @ 11.30 hours. Appeared to keep going south over the Solway. c7,500 Pink-footed Geese & 245 Barnacle Geese. Notable eastward movement of hirundines: 154 Swallow, 74 House Martin & 1 Sand Martin. Paul Massey.

Grey Wagtail

In performing WinGS commitments this evening there were 6 Grey Wagtail near Hogus Pt, looking like they were gathering to roost in rocks or the rooty bank. 9 Little Egret went off to roost in Carse Bay. PJ


3 Black-tailed Godwit at the flash pool south of village opp Cargen Cottage. PJ

Inner Solway

John Miles reports; Browhouses - 6300 Pinks, 320 Greylags, 400 Lapwing, 200 Golden Plover, 1 Greenshank. Seafield - 700 Black-headed Gull, 10 Common Gull, 6 Little Egret, pr of Wigeon. Newbie - 16 Swallow east. Brow Well - 2 Kingfisher, 500 Pinks, 300 Common Gull, 20 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 60 Teal, 200 Lapwing, 100 Golden Plover, 1 Great White Egret, 10+ Little Egret, Otter prints. Castle Corner - 400 Pinks, 1 Great White Egret, 6 Little Egret, 6 Roe Deer. 


24th. HT roost 13th golf tee. Many hidden birds. 50-100ea Knot & Sanderling, 14 Bar-tailed Godwit, a few Dunlin, Golden Plover, Turnstone, Ringed Plover & usual others. 1 Rock Pipit & White Wagtail along beach. 3 Goosander into Mersehead Bay & couple hundred pfg on the sandflats.

Wigtown LNR

Great White Egret reported on the merse still. Possibly another. 

WeBS - Fleet Estuary

Over 800 Oystercatcher in a bumper count. 75 Ringed Plover, 3 Grey Plvr, 50 Curlew, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 30 Redshank, 7 Greenshank, a few Dunlin and Turnstone. Cally & Bush Lochs had 25 Gadwall. Ian Bainbridge. 

WeBS : Carsethorn - Borron Pt

Remarkable for the absence of Dunlin & Redshank & not many of some. 2 Whimbrel as usual & a smart Grey Wagtail a welcome sight. In Carse Bay, 4 buffy Wheatear along the beach. PJ

Soleburn - Slavonian Grebe

22nd. Creetown Merse: 25 Little Egret. Knockinaam: 12-15 Chiffchaff, 25 Pied Wag. Soleburn: 52 Brents, 25 Common Scoter, 10 Goosander, Slavonian Grebe, 3 GC Grebe, a few tysties. Ryan Bay Hol Park: 400 Wigeon. Ian Bainbridge. 

WWT Caerlaverock

Great White Egret showing well on Folly Pond. Robbie Purdie. 

Auchenroddan Forest

21st. Crossbills 5, (2 adult females showing exceptionally well). Also Siskin, Redpoll, Stonechat, Goldcrest and Chiffchaff. Bill Jamieson. 

Little Stint

Inner Solway, Seafield. 1600-1740, ebbing tide. Little Stint (1), Black-tailed Godwit (29), Golden Plover (3), a single Knot and large numbers of Teal, also Wigeon and Turnstone numbers on the up. Bill Jamieson. 

Wigtown Harbour

2 Great Egret ; one close by over river from car park and a second a long way in the distance north of hide. Mick Whitehouse & Nancy Harrison. 

RSPB Crook of Baldoon

Juv Golden Eagle heading west over field north of Car Park, being pursued by half a dozen Rook. Ivan Lang. 

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