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Green-winged Teal

26th. Browhouses 9am. Drake on foreshore in front of houses. Mick Whitehouse & Nancy Harrison. 


Stairhaven. Still present around 5.30pm though had started to get a little jumpy with passing vehicles. Gavin Chambers. 


Still present at Stairhaven in fields behind houses. Michelle Marko. 

Loch Ryan Blog - Feb 25 report

Published today, 25th Mar. "Is Your Birdwatching Enhanced by Madness? Bird Report for February 2025"  

Rockcliffe to Kippford circuit

Few resident birds & fewer still in song. However, several Chiffchaff singing & great close views of a pair of Crossbill using the small burn to drink & bathe off Jubilee Walk path. PJ


Hoopoe still present but flew up the bank over wood. Also Goshawk on walk from Glenluce. Ivan Lang.

WWT Caerlaverock

2 Great White Egret in fields either side of the Avenue half way. PJ

Wigtown LNR & Stairhaven

♂️♀️Wheatear on stone dyke from Wigtown LNR hide. Hoopoe on rough ground back of houses.  


Dipper on Water of Luce just west of Glenluce Abbey. Rob Wadsworth. 

Sand Martins

Three Sand Martin over water of Luce, Glenluce. Rob Wadsworth. 


First bird encountered singing in Mainsriddle up Redbank Farm track. A bit later than expected. PJ

Sand Martins

3 Sand Martin at Buccleuch Street bridge. Colin Kinnear. 

WWT Caerlaverock

Wheatear ♂️ from the Glengoyne Hide, which I haven't heard of! 

Hoopoe - location info

Red blob shows shrubs where Hoopoe was sighted on west side of road. Flew, with food in bill, into field north west of shrub. Seen at 10.35am. Stairhaven is in the North Machars - south of A75 just after Glenluce when heading towards Stranraer. Rob Wadsworth. 

Hoopoe - Stairhaven

Hoopoe. Stairhaven. In the shrubs just as you turn the corner going south. Rob Wadsworth. 

Late News 21st Mar

3 Sand Martin around Buccleuch Bridge Dumfries yesterday 20th. Today a Swallow at Newton Stewart & 2♂️ Wheatear at Newbie Barns. 

Golden Eagle

20th. Mein Water; Common & Green Sandpiper remain. A Green Sandpiper on the river between Hoddom Bridge & the golf course showing well (has been in a small area here for 6 weeks now). Carrifran, Moffat. 2 Golden Eagles, viewed from the sheep fold, (see John Miles article in Bird Watching monthly), also a Raven. Solway coast, Newbie Barns, today 21st, 2 Wheatear (both ♂️) & further along the track a Chiffchaff. Bill Jamieson. 

Threave NTS NR

Osprey turned up with fish around 1530 & stood on the nest for a clear view, despite heat haze! Good views of Red Kite too. Pair Peregrine in tree north of castle & later alighting castle top. Couple of Goosander on the river, c12 Med Pipit a surprise. Great White Egret spooked from ditch in front of lower Blackpark Marsh hide & flew northish. For me, a noticeable paucity of small birds & virtually the only bird singing was the ubiquitous Robin. Pitiful spring flora too for a NR. Apart from the iconic Osprey & raptors, where's the spring nature? PJ


Found no RND at Milton Loch. Tufted dispersed around perimeter in small groups but I couldn't make out a RND at all. PJ.  "I was there at 3ish for half an hour today but couldn't find the RND but there were a huge number of water birds mostly Tufted but Goldeneye, Wigeon, Teal, Coot, Shoveler, Great Crested Grebe too so I presume there is disturbance at nearby lochs as this number were certainly not apparent yesterday". Anna White. Gavin Chambers confirmed a "reliable birder on holiday has reported it". See;

House Martin

2 House Martin, 17.00. Three miles above Creetown. Kev & Sue Richardson. (Ed. 3 miles north perhaps?). 

Loch Ken

Around Mains of Duchrae - 105 Greenland White-fronted Geese (generally viewed distantly from layby looking towards farm), Great White Egret around loch side and Osprey hanging around for a short time. Gavin Chambers. 


Green-winged Teal still on Nith south of Glencaple pier. Ring-necked Duck in SW corner of Milton Loch found today. Good news indeed 👍

Loch Ryan : Black-throated Diver

Nice summer plum BTD off Bishop Burn, Stranraer. Ivan Lang. 

Black Redstart

Here's a couple of photos of the (Black) Redstart I saw at Mull of Galloway yesterday afternoon (19th) taken from quite a distance. A Wheatear was present too. Pics © Rob Wadsworth. 


1 seen on stone dyke from Wigtown LNR hide. 

Crook of Baldoon

Beautiful day at the Crook of Baldoon. 64 Whoopers around site, a male Wheatear, a female Hen Harrier and a Common Sandpiper on the (River) Bladnoch. Ivan Lang.

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