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Showing posts from June, 2024


Surprised to see a male Wigeon at Bishop Burn, Loch Ryan. Is it an early arrival or maybe it never left from last winter? Nigel Willits. On Thurs 27th we had 4 Wigeon at the Crook but I believe they bred there, as it appeared it was a family party, a pair & 2 young. There was a pair on the lagoon into May, with a male hanging around until late May. Ivan Lang. 

Quail at Rigg

Quail singing from cereal field NW of Rigg, 20:45 hours. Paul Massey. 


Interesting day out around Grobdale produced 2♂️ Whinchat, or 1 seen twice! Plenty mipits & Skylark, Stonechat pair + young birds around. Pair small heath butterflies in fields as well as possibly heath-spotted orchid. Possibly 2 different orchids pictured but if anyone has knowledge... PJ David Hawker says; The orchid photos are definitely heath spotted orchids. This species is quite variable in colour and spotting of the petals.  The "hood" near the top of the flower also varies in shape and it's just possible that the second photo is of a hybrid - you'd need an expert to tell you for sure. Nice photos. David H (Plant Recorder for Kirkcudbrightshire).

RSPB Crook of Baldoon

GWE on lagoon North of car park. Also Marsh Harrier this afternoon. Ivan Lang. 


5 Sanderling and 8 Sandwich Tern this morning at high tide. Bill Jamieson. 


Heard earlier today 0630 west of Kirtle Water, north-westish of Rigg.

Yellow Wagtail & Langholm

Visit to Hoddam Castle to see Yellow Wagtail on the river. Showed well along with Whitethroat, Dipper & Common Sandpiper. Met up with Bill Jamieson, finder of the bird last Friday. Moved on to Langholm & Spotted Flycatchers showing well along with Whinchat. Pat saw a female Black Grouse. Chris & Pat Baines.

Yellow Wagtail

Yellow Wagtail remains on river Annan at Mainholm footbridge. Also worth noting, a flyover Red Kite. Bill Jamieson. Ed. Good chance to see if sticking around! 

Yellow Wagtail

Yellow Wagtail on river Annan at Hoddom Castle this morning. Great views from the footbridge at Mainholm Farm. Bill Jamieson. Ed. Excellent news again from BJ ๐Ÿ‘ 

Curlew Sandpiper & Little Stint

RSPB Crook of Baldoon. Ivan Lang has good news; 10.40, a small flock waders landed onto flash north of car park on merse. Over last couple (of days) there has been Dunlin & Ringed Plover. Inspected today expecting similar but alongside was a Curlew Sandpiper in resplendent summer plumage & a Little Stint . Also a Snipe been drumming over the entrance track when the sun glints through & a Red-legged Partridge flushed early morning. Yesterday's highlights were 3 Spotted Flycatcher & Yellowhammer. 

Black Redstart

Donald Currie has good news; BR spotted at Mull of Galloway lighthouse 5th June.


Bill Jamieson reports ; The two birds on the river Annan at Upper Brydekirk have now been joined by a third. A pair of incubating Oystercatcher here also. Bill. 

RSPB Mersehead

Lesser Whitethroat singing in hedgerow outside the Sulwath Centre at RSPB Mersehead this morning. Gavin Chambers. 


Excellent news from Janis Fraser. At Kirkconnell Flow near the seat next to the board walk, a flock of at least 30 Crossbill. 

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