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WeBS - Carsethorn to Borron Pt & Carse Bay

Falling tide from 1300. Highlights were 1 juv Black Guillemot, a bird I've not seen there before. Whimbrel are clearly on the move as there were at least a dozen today. Also c150 or more Sandwich Tern resting on the foreshore. 3 sumplum Turnstone with a few Ringed Plover & Dunlin.  Carse Bay : low tide produced 2 Greenshank in what was not so long ago Carse Gut but it seems the channel is, & the sands are, in the process of reforming & the sands are quite significantly changed since my last visit several weeks ago. Quite rapid & ongoing changes to the watercourse. I didn't find Gavins Med Gull sadly. PJ


A 1st summer Mediterranean Gull on the mud off the village. Earlier, a juv Peregrine on the sand bank before high tide. Also 2 colour-ringed Oystercatcher. Gavin Chambers

Crook of Baldoon

First indications of migration over the last couple of days. Yesterday large gathering of Swift & other hirundines. Today small movement of Willows & Chiffchaff, 3 Common Sandpiper on the Bladnoch & a surprise family party of Whinchat. Ivan Lang.

Stranraer - Belfast Ferry ⛴

Great Shearwater & Balearic Shearwater reported seen today. By travelling birders we presume. Via BirdGuides.


pm 27th. There was an Osprey fishing on the incoming tide, 2 pale phase Arctic Skuas flew south close in together, 3 Scaup present & a single Eider drifting in. Gavin & Alyn Chambers. 


Common Sandpiper 6, Greenshank 5, Sandwich Tern 70. Nigel Willits.


7 Common Scoter off Bishop Burn this lunchtime until a motorboat flushed them & they headed north up Loch Ryan. A couple of barwits, several Redshank among the numerous Oycs & Curlews. Terns looked all Common to me. Nigel Willits. 

Stranraer - Belfast Ferry

Yesterday. Cory's Shearwater, Leach's Storm Petrel & 12 European Storm Petrel reported seen. Via BirdGuides.

Wigtownshire 23-24th July

Sunday 23rd July, Auchenmalg - heavy rain - 3 Sandwich Tern, 2 Wheatears, 1 Rock Pipit. Bishop Burn - high water - rain clearing - 12 Common Tern (8 Adults, 4 Juvs), 1 ad had metal ring on right leg. 150 Curlew in back field, 36 Redshank, 1 Lapwing, 2 Dunlin, 50 Common Scoter. Cairnryan - 6 Eider, Shag, 2 Black Guillemot. Monday 24th July, Bishop Burn - low water - 43 Common Tern. Broadstone Road - 1 ad Med Gull. The Wig - 3 Stonechat, Little Egret, 2 Sandwich Terns. Bishop Burn - rising tide - met up with AC who had found 2 sumplum Knot. He saw the terns much closer & said a few Arctic's with them. Chris & Pat Baines.

Little Egrets

At Kippford this morning had 21 Little Egrets. The most I've seen there - Anna White. 


Possible immature Little Tern roosting with Sandwich Terns & waders on rocks off 13th tee. Only had binoculars, it was tiny compared to Sandwich Terns & my instincts were Little rather than Arctic. Also 14 Knot (in summer plumage), 3+ Turnstone, c60 Golden Plover and mixed flocks of Dunlin & Ringed Plovers. Gavin Chambers.


180 curlews at Piltanton Burn this afternoon. Nigel Willits. 

"Day of the Hirundines"

30+ House Martins over Cargenbridge. Finally good numbers. Probably a few first broods now on the wing. Throw in a half dozen swifts as well. Great to see. Stephen Blackley.

Drumjohn Bridge, Kirkgunzeon

An hour here this morning was productive with a fly-through Kingfisher & my first Spotted Flycatcher of the year. Lots of Linnets & Goldfinches coming down to drink. Garden Warbler still singing & a few juv Willow Ws + ♂️ Stonechat perched on the o/head wires. A Grey Wag also showed well. Chris Baines.


Party of 13 (juvs) on the river from the bridge at Kirkgunzeon this morning. Also 2 Banded Demoiselles. Garden Warbler still singing at Drumjohn Bridge. Chris Baines.

Stranraer to Belfast Ferry

Balearic Shearwater, Leach's Storm Petrel & 6 European Storm Petrel seen. Via BirdGuides.

Waders at Bishop Burn

Single Knot and Black-tailed Godwit plus 30 Redshank and 100 Oystercatcher during the rain at lunchtime today. Nigel Willits. 


Alpine Swift at Port Carlisle & Wood Sandpiper at Wedholme Flow recently. Anything our side I wonder ๐Ÿค”?

Piltanton Burn

A Greenshank and 6 Redshanks at lunchtime today. Nigel Willits. 

Estuary & Sea Watch

Thurs 6th July. Palnackie Harbour ;  3 Common Sandpipers, 2 Redshanks, Little Egret, Grey Heron & 2 Swifts overhead.  Burrow Head ; 1330 to 1600.  With strong SSW winds we thought seawatching might be productive. On arrival over 60 Kittiwakes sat on the sea & good numbers past during the sea watch. Steady passage of Manx Shearwaters, Guillemots, Gannets, 2 Black Guillemots, Shags & 3 Fulmars. At 1430 we picked up 2 Storm Petrels not that far out & in view for several minutes. Strangely no Terns or Skuas. I have had 3 species of Skua here in the past in similar conditions. Wheatear on the headland.  Fri 7th July.  Isle of Whithorn ; Wind in the south of the compass so not that many seabirds but Manx Shearwaters past very close in here. Much the same as Thursday but no Petrels. 3 North Atlantic Seals in the harbour.  Chris & Pat Baines

Storm Petrel

From Burrow Head. Via BirdGuides.

Southerness high water

Seven Sandwich Tern sat on the beach but lifted by dog walkers. At the 13th tee 40 Curlew & 1 Whimbrel, 2 Golden Plover still in sum-plum, 12 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover plus the usual Oystercatchers. One Curlew had two colour rings on right leg, blue & red plus a metal one & two metal rings on the left leg! Chris & Pat Baines.

Carsethorn - Quail

A Quail has just been audible from the garden coming from fields adjacent to main road just as you arrive. Haven't been for a closer listen yet so not certain on exact location. Gavin Chambers.

Browhouses & Kirkconnell Merse

Greenshank & Whimbrel at Kirkconnell Merse and 9 Avocet & 14 Common Sand at Browhouses today (4th). Paul Massey.


At least 55 Red-breasted Mergansers off Bishop Burn, Loch Ryan this afternoon. Nigel Willits. 

Spotted Crake

The well informed will be aware of the illusive bird seen from the Teal Hide WWT Caerlaverock today. Via BirdGuides.

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