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RSPB Crook of Baldoon

2cy male Marsh Harrier east across the fields south of the CP. Ivan Lang. 

Mull of Galloway

2 Puffin on sea below foghorn and 2 Hooded Crow with Rooks near Mull of Galloway farm. Mick Whitehouse & Nancy Harrison. 


Bill Jamieson reports still present at Upper Brydekirk on the Annan.

Mull of Galloway

27th. A Yellow Wagtail flew west along the headland calling (yesterday) late morning. Gavin Chambers. 


River Annan. 2 at Upper Brydekirk this afternoon. Bill Jamieson. 

Auchenroddan Forest

11th, 18th and 25th May; Whinchat, Redstart, Tree Pipit, Cuckoo, Redpoll, Siskin, Stonechat, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet and lots more. Bill Jamieson. 

A Wandering...

Latest Loch Ryan blog update published 20th May;  


7 Sanderling were counted mixed in with a large flock of Ring Plover & Dunlin. Also noted were a single Grey Plover & 2 Turnstone. Bill Jamieson. 

RSPB Crook of Baldoon

Lagoon south of cp 1 Wood Sandpiper briefly and a tree pipit in the hedge behind the lagoon. Ivan Lang. 

Pom Skua

4 West at Maryport. 


Hobby seen in company of Swifts this afternoon at Canonbie. Graham Buchan. 

Torrs Warren

Cuckoo seen and heard 10.30am. Wendy Hayes. 

Water of Luce

A stroll down the Water of Luce from viaduct to Luce bay: Many Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Common Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler and Blackcap. Nearer Luce Bay, I saw 2 Common Sandpiper and 40+ Mute Swan. A little upstream were a pair of Grey Wagtail. Swallows and House Martins were present but no Swifts. Rob Wadsworth. 

Spotted Flycatcher

17th. Spotted Flycatcher atop dead trees close to Meida Hide, RSPB Mersehead. Robbie Purdie. 

Green Woodpecker

I saw a post recently on a local forum asking whether GWs are increasing in D&G. I've regularly had sightings over the years in Shinnel Glen and intermittently in the various forests in Upper Nithdale. Interestingly I've had 5 sightings in 5 locations this week: Shinnerl Glen, from my garden in Moniaive (garden tick), The Hills on the A711 from Dumfries, Dalmacallan Forest and Shaw Wood (Maxwellton). The latter two probably the same bird(s). But I'm certainly seeing/hearing them more regularly. Ed. Answer should be found in either the D&G Bird Report or on BTO Birdtrack . 


10 screaming overhead at Lockerbie this morning, seen from the Railway Station. Chris & Pat Baines. 

Halleaths, River Annan

Nice picnic spot at the River Annan at Halleaths and in the hour I was there had 2 Kingfishers, 2 Ospreys, 3 Common Sandpipers and Sand Martins. Anna White. 

Wood & Curlew Sandpiper

12th. Caerlaverock WWT. Wood Sandpiper on the Folly Pond seen from the hide. It then flew out of view & we saw it distantly from the path down to the Salcot Tower. Scaup still on Whooper Pond. On the way home stopped off at Glencaple. A few waders there including 2 Whimbrel, 10 Curlew & 1 sumplum Curlew Sandpiper. Chris & Pat Baines. 

RSPB Mersehead

Singing Lesser Whitethroat in hedges between car park & Sulwath Centre & Garden Warbler singing a short way down Rainbow Lane (track to beach from cottages). Gavin Chambers. 

A couple of walks in the West

11th. New England Bay. Quiet apart from 1 solitary Whimbrel. Several Common Whitethroat, Sedge Warblers, Chiffchaff & Sandwich Terns. Grasshopper Warbler heard but not seen. 12th May. Wood of Cree. Main area & Barclye section. Wood Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Snipe, Jay, several Cuckoo, Tree & Meadow Pipits. The best for me as I rarely see them, 2 Whinchat. Heard but not seen: Grasshopper Warblers, Redstart & Mistle Thrush. Rob Wadsworth. 

Wood Sandpiper

At WWT Caerlaverock today. Folly Pond surely. 

Corsewall Point

Again out in West. Unfortunately despite a gentle breeze, it was blowing offshore, so everything was mainly at a distance. No surprises on the bird front; 2 stunning GND, sumplum Bl-t Diver, 3 Manx Shearwater, 2 Puffin, 5 Tystie & 10 Fulmar. The Wig was quiet with small numbers of RBM & Sandwich Tern. Ivan Lang. 

Kippford Community NR

Green Woodpecker (male) this morning at KCNR following a tip yesterday from CK. Heard as soon as arrived at the wee car park and followed the "yaffle". Robbie Purdie.  Ed. Heard one in Mabie Forest whilst doing a butterfly survey, also actually saw a calling Cuckoo. Also Garden Warbler now on site above & around Lochaber Loch . 

WWT Caerlaverock

10th. GWE seen today, somewhere on the merse presumably. 


9th. Screaming Swifts back in Glenluce today. Nigel Willits. 

Langholm Moor

8th. Was keen to see Red Grouse & we were fortunate to see 2 birds in flight. Locals  told us RG are very scarce now & none were found up Mennock Pass, just Red-legged Partridges which the Game Keeper is putting down. Three Hen Harrier, 2♂️ 1♀️. Our first Whinchat of the year & a Cuckoo heard distantly. CB &CK. 

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