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Waxwings Dumfries

5 Birds still present at Dock Park Dumfries feeding on yellow rowan berries. A few Lesser Black-backed Gulls starting to reappear on the Nith. Chris Baines. 


Reported seen in Vendace Bay today but I spent a few hours seeking it & saw nowt. Someone's lucky... 

Waxwings & American Wigeon

Former seen again yesterday at Dock Park Dumfries (5). Latter still at RSPB Crook of Baldoon on the lagoon north of car park today. 

Castle Loch

2 GWE. 1 close to the boat launch/fishermens platform east side of the castle spit. Would be viewable from the hide. 2nd viewable on the opposite side of the castle spit largely hidden in the reeds, off Vendace Bay. 

Wood of Cree

A pair of Mistle Thrush appeared to be nest building yesterday morning. Goosander and Goldeneye on the River Cree and my first frogspawn of the year in a woodland pool. Gavin Chambers.


A nice pair of Siskin this morning were new for my garden list in Glenluce. They visited the sunflower heart feeder but got bullied by sparrows and chaffinches, so not sure if they'll be back. Nigel Willits. 

American Wigeon

Still present at the Crook of Baldoon lagoon north of car park.

NIOC field trip

2/2/24. Mouth of Loch Ryan; 2 Great Northern Diver. Innermessan; 3 Red Kite, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 4 Common Scoter. Penwhirn Road; 1 Red Kite, 100+ Golden Plover. Broadstone Road; 6 Common Scoter, 1 Slavonian Grebe. The Wig; 100+ Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 2 Grey Plover, 1 Greenfinch, 1 Red-throated Diver, 1 Great Northern Diver, 3 Great Crested Grebe. Loch Connell; 1 Pink-footed Goose, 1 Barnacle Goose (feral?), 100+ Canada Geese. White Loch; 1 ♂️ 3 ♀️ Goosander. Magille & Soulseat; 1 Pink-footed Goose, 100+ Wigeon. West Freugh; 80+ Greenland Whitefront Geese, 3 Pink-footed Geese, 3 ring-tailed Hen Harrier, 2 Sparrowhawk & 1 Peregrine Falcon. Garry Wilkinson. 

2 Waxwing in Ae village

2nd. Received from Stephen Kings. There were 2 Waxwing in the village of Ae at lunchtime today. They were in the trees near the bus stop. Stephen. 

Look who came for lunch & dinner...

Stayed in the garden a few hours today, hiding in wait, but just couldn't catch its prey. A few over-processed pics but not too bad through a dirty kitchen window & dull light ! PJ

The West

2nd. RSPB Crook of Baldoon ; American Wigeon still present. Also today a ringed-tailed Hen Harrier and the Marsh Harrier. 800 Barnacle Geese on the saltmarsh with a leucistic bird. Ivan Lang. West Freugh Airfield ; GWE seen at High Mye this morning. 

WWT Caerlaverock

Greater Scaup still, on the Whooper Pond. Ed. It's Friday so Peter Jordan will be the man to thank ๐Ÿ‘ 


♀️ Ring-necked Duck at Longtown pool adjacent to the Gretna Road A6071. If you're passing...

Mein Water

Green Sandpiper numbers have increased to 5 (offering up super views feeding at water's edge). Also Common Sandpiper remains. 12 Siskin along the tree line of the river are worth a mention. Bill Jamieson. 


At St.Helena Isle this afternoon (mouth of Luce river): Merlin female, Greenshank, 14 Goldeneye, 5 Little Grebe, Raven. Nigel Willits. 

Waxwings Dock Park Dumfries

5 still around the pharmacy this morning. Ed. Not there yesterday morning when I was there! PJ

American Wigeon

31st. RSPB Crook of Baldoon. Drake still on lagoon north of car park.

RSPB Mersehead

28th. Fantastic views of a male Hen Harrier in front of the Meida Hide. Nice to see good numbers of Tree Sparrows at the feeding station outside the reception building. Chris Sutton. Ed. Apologies as lack of Internet access reason for delay in posting as can't access the online contact form, yet! 

Waxwings Dock Park Dumfries

30th. 5 feeding on the ornamental rowan berries again by the pharmacy.


Two Kookaburra were seen together in a Kirkcudbright garden by the golf course this morning. Presumably the ones that escaped last year. If they are male & female, I wonder what chance they have of breeding successfully? Nigel Willits. 

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