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Showing posts from August, 2023

Return of the PFG

30 reported passing Hartfell, Moffat Hills. Via AR. 

Stints & shanks

Browhouses 6am. 2 juv Little Stint & 2 juv Spotted Redshank. Via BirdGuides. Nice ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘ 

Crook of Baldoon

Green Sandpiper & Water Rail at RSPB Crook of Baldoon this evening. Paul Massey. Also today 2 Osprey, 4 Wheatear and 3 Whinchat. Ivan Lang. 

HH & Scaup

A ringtail seen off Wigtown LNR this morning & 15 Scaup seen off Bishop Burn Stranraer on Sunday. Via BirdGuides.


My niece saw one of the kookaburras in Kirkcudbright this morning - along the edge of the golf course at Stirling Crescent. Nigel Willits. 


"Non birding hill walking friends sent me a photograph of a juv Dotterel taken of Cairnsmore of Fleet yesterday." Colin Kinnear.


0630 - 0800. Osprey -1, Avocet -1, Greenshank -8, Spotted Redshank -2 juvs, C Sandpiper -4, Black-tailed Godwit -2, Bar-tailed Godwit -1. Ian Irving. 

Hirundines +

2000+ Swallows roosting at the Kirkcudbright (Tarff stream) reedbeds Sat 26th evening. Also 150 Sand Martins, 200 Pied Wagtails & 3 Water Rails. Barry O'Dowd.

Cairnryan to Larne Ferry ⛴

1 Sooty Shearwater "at least" seen on this mornings sailing. Via BirdGuides.

Corsewall Point

Generally quiet with light winds with no obvious migration. 1500+ Gannets, 30+ Manx Shearwater, Arctic Tern, 7 Eider and 4 Twite on the rocks were the avian highlights. Nice pod of 15 Bottle Nosed Dolphin north past the point. Ivan Lang. 

Balyett, Loch Ryan

A noticeable increase in Redshank numbers during last few days with about 80 this afternoon. Also 6 Knot. Offshore about 50 R-b Mergansers and 11 Common Scoter. 9 Wigeon at Bishop Burn. Nigel Willits. 

Crook of Baldoon

Fri 25th. Chats on the move with 8 imm. Whinchat, 4 Stonechat and a couple of Wheatear. Also 2 Spotted Flycatcher and Whitethroat. Ivan Lang.

Pom Skua

Slipping through my net is a bird seen off the Mull of Galloway late morning, plus European Storm Petrel. Via BirdGuides.

Arctic Skua

2 juv Arctic Skuas chasing terns off Balcary Heughs this evening (19:00-19:20). Also 1 Puffin on sea. c200 terns, vast majority Sandwich. Regards, Martin Harris.

Piltanton Burn

Number & variety of waders continues to increase, including this afternoon: Whimbrel 2, Turnstone 8, Rgd Plover 280, Knot 4, Greenshank 1, Snipe 4, Oystercatcher 180, Curlew 60, Redshank 4. Also a Wheatear. Nigel Willits. 

Loch Ryan

c.125 Red-breasted Mergansers and 8 Wigeon off Balyett, plus a Turnstone there. Also 3 Black-tailed Godwits at Bishop Burn. Nigel Willits. 

The Wig, Loch Ryan

Reports of a Curlew Sandpiper off the spit though mobile & Greater Scaup. Via BirdGuides.

White-winged Tern

For those unaware, a bird seen briefly at Bishop Burn, Stranraer today. Via BirdGuides.

Red-necked Phalarope

You'll all be aware of the; Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope at WWT Caerlaverock. Today 1pm at Whooper Swan Pond. Report & images courtesy Robbie Purdie.


Saturday 0640 - 3 Common Sandpiper & 1 ad winter plumage Mediterranean Gull. Ian Irving.

Browhouses (This Week)

15/08/23 0630-0800. Ringed Plover - 100+, Dunlin - 200+, Curlew Sandpiper - 1 moulting adult, Greenshank - 1, Com Sandpiper - 5, C Snipe - 10.  16/08/2023  0620-0800. Greylag Goose - 600+, Little Egret - 20, Avocet - 1, Golden Plover - 1, Knot - 1, Greenshank - 1, Black-tailed Godwit - 3, Com Sandpiper - 6, C Snipe - 12. 15/08/23 - 0630-0800. Greenshank - 5, Black-tailed Godwit - 1, Ruff - 5 juv fs, C Tern - 1. Ian IRVING. 

Crook of Baldoon

Cream capped Marsh Harrier hunting successfully over lagoon north of Car Park. Flushed 8 Snipe. Also Water Rail in same lagoon this morning. Ivan Lang. 


Crook of Baldoon. 1 heading south with small group of Teal. Ivan Lang.

Piltanton Burn

This afternoon; Whimbrel 2, Wheatear 2, Greenfinch c.30, L. Egret 14, R. Plover 55+, Peregrine 1 - hunting low over the estuary. One little Adder (c.15 cms) snoozing in the sun. Nigel Willits. 


2 hrs at Southerness Point till high tide. At 11:40 returning to the lighthouse a very black looking Skua with light underwingtip stripe flew south-north a few times then went off north. No light front or tail appendage? Sorry I couldn't be sure which it was but my first thought was Great Skua !? anna white. 

Green Sandpiper

In a stream 100 yds nort of Barbey Farmhouse on the Milton - Kirkgunzeon road.  anna white. 

Pom Skua

Burrow Head. At least 2 past this afternoon. Via BirdGuides. PJ

Honey Buzzard

Crook of Baldoon. Heading southwards at 15:42. Ivan Lang.

Hen Harrier

Male in the Wigtownshire hills this lunchtime. Nigel Willits. 

Honey Buzzard

1 reported flying over A714 at Baltersan Farm, Newton Stewart this morning. Via BirdGuides.

Wood Warbler

Sudden rush of birds to my garden in GoF yesterday to feed for about 2 hours on my mature larch: 32 Chaffinch, 4 Greenfinch, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Nuthatch, 2 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tit, a Coal Tit, 2 Willow Warbler & surprisingly a Wood Warbler. All this after a positive dearth of any of these for the last few months. Like Gavin's report, several Blackbird gorging on rowan berries over the last couple of days. David Hawker. 

Annan River from Newbie

Rain interrupted visit but amongst large number of Redshank, at least 4 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank, 4 Common Sandpiper, 38 Little Egret & 1 Kingfisher. Birds were disturbed & all flew before a thorough check was possible ๐Ÿ™„. PJ


To the left, 1 pfg!, 1 Common Sandpiper, several Little Egret. Foreshore, 3 Greenshank, 8 Blk-t Gods, 1 Snipe, 5 Little Egret, c150 Lapwing, c50 Dunlin, several Goosander. Movement of Hirundines east. PJ

Colvend Golf Club

A round of golf this morning before the rain hit. Tree Pipit calling overhead, Green Woodpecker heard a few times, Crossbills moving around & Blackbirds starting to enjoy the bumper Rowan berry crop. Tree Pipit & Golden Plover at the Mull of Galloway yesterday. Gavin Chambers.

Piltanton Burn

4th. Ebbing tide 1600-1715. 1 Greenshank, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Whimbrel, 80 Curlew, 10 Redshank, 1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron & Peregrine came through & lifted the lot.  Loch Ryan ; Similar to our visit last week with Common Terns, a few sumplum Knot & build up of Redshank, Dunlin & Ringed Plover. Chris & Pat Baines.


Two Spotted Flycatcher families at Glen Wood, Glenluce today. Nigel Willits. 


Large probably dog otter fishing the Nith just north of the suspension footbridge by the depth gauge 4.30pm+.

Crook of Baldoon

Interesting mix of species around the reserve today. First off an Osprey catching a fish in the bay & flying off north. The first returning Wheatear & Golden Plover. Pair of Spotted Flycatcher with fledged young, as well as a juv Whinchat. Good numbers of Swallow & Sand Martin on the move with a few House Martin, but no Swift, also a few Willow Warbler. Ivan Lang.

Leach's Storm Petrel

One seen from the Cairnryan to Larne Ferry late pm. Via BirdGuides.

Golden Plover

40+ with single Whimbrel and Greenshank at Piltanton Burn this evening. Nigel Willits. 

Late Cuckoo

RSPB Crook of Baldoon. A little surprise this morning with a juvenile Cuckoo sat on the electric fence North of car park. Still present at 15.30. Ivan Lang. 


c1830, 5 birds circling together with 1 calling over Birchwood Road, Summerpark, Dumfries. The St Michael's Church family perhaps? ๐Ÿค” PJ

Cory's Shearwater

Cairnryan to Larne Ferry ⛴. 4 flew south near mouth of Loch Ryan this morning. Via BirdGuides.

European Storm Petrel

One south from Maryport today. Via BirdGuides.

Birdwatching Sites 
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