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Browhouses (This Week)

15/08/23 0630-0800. Ringed Plover - 100+, Dunlin - 200+, Curlew Sandpiper - 1 moulting adult, Greenshank - 1, Com Sandpiper - 5, C Snipe - 10. 

16/08/2023  0620-0800. Greylag Goose - 600+, Little Egret - 20, Avocet - 1, Golden Plover - 1, Knot - 1, Greenshank - 1, Black-tailed Godwit - 3, Com Sandpiper - 6, C Snipe - 12.

15/08/23 - 0630-0800. Greenshank - 5, Black-tailed Godwit - 1, Ruff - 5 juv fs, C Tern - 1. Ian IRVING. 


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