West & East Preston
Btwn Cowcorse & West Preston Farms, mxd flock of finches feeding on for-cattle beet (I think) seed. Only found 1 Brambling, a few Tree Sparrow & the odd Reed Bunting as alternatives to the majority Chaffinch. Also Grey Wagtail around field gates. Btwn West & East Preston, c500-1000 mxd flock of Lapwing & Golden Plover. Livestock & stubble fields generally good for birds thereabouts. From Powillimount car park, c2-3000 Knot, maybe more, 64 Grey Plover apart from 2 Little Egret, Dunlin & usual others. Jay & Nuthatch around Arbigland estate. Several thousand Barnacle Geese broadly distributed in the area with 1 Shelduck the odd-1-out. I invite Chris Packham to issue a few diatribes to fellow dog owners, who allow their charges to chase shorebirds from their feeding grounds. Step up & be counted. PJ