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Showing posts from July, 2024


2 churring birds same location & despite cloud cover & light rain, much more vocal. 1 bird was seen in silhouette in "chirrup" flight along the roadside field margin c5m from the car. Birds mobile with churring from different positions but in the same young conifer field. Churring & most activity a little before 10pm, up to 10:30pm. Great! PJ


30th. 2 birds heard at the same time but churring birds heard separately per attached. 1 same place as last year & new location opposite side of the road from Southwick to Kirkgunzeon. 1 bird was heard calling "chrip" a few times whilst the other was churring. Both of these were heard on the east side of the road. Churring was quite extended but only a few times between 10-11pm. I moved to the recent years traditional Auchenhay/Drumstinchall Hill location off the B793, but in ½hr nothing was heard. PJ

RSPB Crook of Baldoon

This afternoon a female Marsh Harrier over the fields south of car park then headed east over the bay. Also an Osprey heading north up the bay with a fish. Ivan Lang. 

Late WeBS : Carsethorn - Borron Pt

Last gasp for July found c12 Whimbrel, 100-200 Sandwich Tern - some ringed, c20 Ringed Plvr, c70 Dunlin, 3 Little Egret, 4 redhead RbM, 1 Golden Plvr & in the end, 2 fine ad Med Gull amongst the terns. Also a dark Skua spcs way offshore from Hogus Pt chasing down a tern most likely. PJ

Carse Bay

This pm. 1 Greenshank, 1 Marsh Harrier putting all birds up, 25-30 ea Dunlin & Ringed Plover, 4 Little Egret, Sandwich Tern, 12 Com Sandpiper, 1 Otter just north of Carse Pow outlet into the rejuvenated Carse Gut. PJ

Juvenile Invasion

A roving flock of juveniles into the garden today. Including Treecreeper, Nuthatch (I think but may be adult!), Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, maybe a couple adults but certainly 1 adult feeding its fledgling, plus... a Pied Flycatcher! New for the garden list. PJ

Loch Ryan Blog

The June review was posted July 22nd. ➡ PJ

Storm Petrel

Storm Petrel, 3 Manx Shearwater, 3 Black Guillemot, 3 Common Dolphin & Harbour Porpoise, all in Scottish waters on Cairnryan-Larne ferry. Paul Massey. 

Curlew Sandpiper

25th. It seems the 2 ad birds seen again today at Browhouses. Says BirdGuides, who say so because RBA says so, probably๐Ÿค”? 


Juvenile Mediterranean Gull, Whimbrel, 4 Greenshank & 10 Common Sandpiper. Paul Massey. 


2 adult Curlew Sandpiper, Greenshank, 3 Avocet, 9 Black-tailed Godwit & 9 Common Sandpiper…on rising tide. Paul Massey. 


Colvend Golf Course - failed to get the eagle, but managed a birdie. There was also a juvenile Cuckoo flying between the fairways nearest Barend Loch this evening. Gavin Chambers. 

Wigtown Harbour

06.30-10.00. Marsh Harrier about .16 Pink-footed Geese across saltmarsh beside estuary. Kev 'n Sue Richardson. 


17th. Brilliant morning at Browhouses trying to beat the 25 Avocets but failed on that one! From Torduff (Point looking) back (up river) ; 76 [25 + 51] Goosander [25 still at the cottages], 46 Little Egret together, 36 Mute Swan, Sand Martins have collapsed with only 18 holes, 400+ Lapwing, 30+ Dunlin, 36 Redshank, 1 Greenshank, 40 Oystercatcher, 2 Golden Plover, 1 Great-crested Grebe, 7 Avocet [4 juvs], 1 adult with a 7 day old chick [English side], Grasshopper Warbler, 2 Whitethroat & Sedge Warbler. All with young, 1 Stock Dove displaying, 600+ Starling. Nothing on the Osprey platforms. John Miles. 


0630-0800hrs. Whooper Swan 4, Great-crested Grebe 1, Avocet 14,  Greenshank 3, C Sandpiper 5, Black-tailed Godwit 16, Mediterranean Gull 1ad, Sandwich Tern 1. Ian Irving. 

RSPB Crook of Baldoon

Marsh Harrier, 09.30hrs today. Report & pics courtesy of Kev 'n Sue Richardson. 

Luce Bay

A dark phase Arctic Skua harassing auks around the Scare Rocks yesterday afternoon. A single Puffin and several Manx Shearwater past the boat. Good to see so many Guillemot chick's on the Scares, many not far from jumping/fledging, and many occupied Gannet nests with chick's. A couple of Gannet noted with the Bird Flu 'black eye',  suggesting the flu has been in the colony in last couple of years, or the birds have moved in from other colonies. Gavin Chambers. 


5 Avocet, 23 Common Sand, drake Pochard & 40 Goosander. Paul Massey. 

From the author...

Big day out finished with a stop at the car park along Castle Loch, Lochmaben with Great white Egret, 7 Grey Herons, 1 Little Egret, 160+ Mute Swan and even a Reed Warbler singing at 4pm! Lots of young Buzzards around A76 along with at least 3 Red Kites and again over Ae. John Miles. 


Counted 25 Avocet along with 12 Black-tailed Godwit and a good showing of RB Mergansers late afternoon. Robbie Purdie. 


14th July, unexpectedly a female Merlin dashed into my garden in Gatehouse, grabbed a sparrow and briefly settled on the lawn with its kill, before flying off. David Hawker. 

Mein Water

3 Green Sandpipers at Mein Foot yesterday + Juv Tree Sparrows, singing Sedge Warbler. John Miles.  

Mein Water

3 Green Sandpiper this morning. Excellent views feeding at waters edge. Bill Jamieson. 

Loch Ryan Blog

The May review was posted June 18th. ➡ PJ

Green Sandpiper

A bird & what looked like 3 young patrolling the muddy edge of the remaining open water in the "high tide flood field" for Cargen Pow, opposite Nether Cargen cottage, south side of Islesteps, A710. Also Lapwing & 3 young. Young sandpipers looking tiny in comparison! At least that's what I believe they are through 8x30's! PJ Since returned with scope & what appeared to be young waders were more likely pale grey young Pied Wags! However unlikely, you realise how important it is to get a good view. At distance, you need a scope! PJ 

Mein Water

Green Sandpiper on the river Annan & an Osprey over & a Kingfisher same location. Bill Jamieson. 

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