Having read the article on Curlew conservation in the June edition (not May - & received in April! Thank you for correcting me John!) of Birdwatching magazine, I'm left thinking... and the declines continue after 45 years of my adult lifetime, reading the same stories year after year & 45 years of increased conservation "industry" efforts to combat biodiversity losses. It's simply not working. Efforts have only slowed down the process. Not enough people in the community are concerned enough, too few take it seriously enough or view it as important enough, even relevant enough for them to embrace the necessary changes required to reverse the continuing pattern of environmental destruction & depletion. Too many appear to me to be completely disengaged & disinterested in humanities negative impact upon the planet. Only when the whirlwind wipes out such folks' way of life, will they sit up & take notice. Even then, the response may be; as ...